Brompton Bar & Grill
243 Brompton Rd.
London,  SW3
United Kingdom
Phone: 020-7589 8005

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Brompton Bar & Grill Description:
The former Brasserie St Quentin has changed, from archetypal French brasserie with all the trimmings (or clichés, depending on your point of view) to a smart, slick restaurant with cartoons on the walls, and crisply laid tables set against banquettes around the walls. The greatest physical change is the long zinc bar and the opening up of the downstairs as a live jazz and cabaret venue. If you came here expecting moules and frites, you'll be disappointed. The menu is now unashamedly British from its pea and watercress soup or whole Dorset crab onwards. It nods towards modish herbs and spices in dishes like scallops with black linguine, chilli and coriander or spatchcock poussin with a salsa verde, but rest assured, these are skillful additions to a familiar style. The wine list is good and contains some bargains; service is delightful, particularly if you get the full charm treatment from the owner, François O'Neill. All in all, he's got it absolutely right, even without the jazz and cabaret.

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