Presidio Social Club
563 Ruger St # 563
Letterman Dr.
San Francisco, California  94129
Phone: 415-885-1888

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Presidio Social Club Description:
Design details at this voguish Presidio outpost are regimented into gleaming rank and file: vintage, stainless cabinets and spotless mirrors behind the marble bar; bare-bulb droplights alternating with silver-bullet ceiling fans; crisp ties and aprons on bartenders and servers. Such natty spit-and-polish is far from old-fashioned or tangential here---the narrow, historic building was once an Army barracks, and the restaurant's owners have invoked its retro atmosphere with modern panache. Rattan chairs, fronded greenery, and flourishing Presidio views add to the clubby, airy vibe that attracts everyone: no dues, exclusions, or jacket required. Inspired cocktails are blended fresh---including an expert, balanced Pisco, pineapple punch, and a lingering French 75. Skip the underwhelming "hors d'oeuvres" and go straight for the satisfying entrées---reinvented comfort classics such as tender, carved Berkshire pork served with buttery oyster hash, or roasted, whole fresh fish (Mediterranean dorade with caramelized Meyer lemons), with fork-tender seasonal vegetables on the side. Desserts are built or baked-to-order, including chocolate cupcakes and, our favorite, a tower of chopped bananas, custard, and thick whipped cream on a flat pastry "crust"---the New American pie.

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