Sushi on North Beach
745 Columbus Ave
Lombard St.
San Francisco, California  94133
Phone: 415-788-8050

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Sushi on North Beach Description:
Chef-owner Katsu Matsuda doesn't offer any fish or seafood unless it is sweet and fresh, and he serves some of the best sushi and sashimi in the city out of this casual North Beach eatery. Creamy hamachi, barbecued unagi and pristine fresh scallops are all winners, but the place to look is the specials board where you'll find delicacies such as velvety otoro, fresh sea urchin and sweet, mild amberjack---a favorite of sushi connoisseurs in Japan not often seen in the states. You'll also find creative maki rolls, teriyaki, tempura and curries, but the sushi and sashimi are the stars here. For a starter, don't miss the sawakani---a platter of fried whole Japanese freshwater crabs the size of quarters that are as addictive as potato chips. Matsuda is not only a talented, artistic chef but he's also a great showman, familiar to many from frequent stints on local cooking shows. Sit at the bar for the most fun and share one of the over 40 sakés in stock with Matsuda and his crew.

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