Balboa Park Club
2150 Panamerican Rd.
San Diego, California  92101

Balboa Park Club Description:


Free parking in Balboa Park in designated parking lots.

General Rules:

No food or beverages allowed inside the venue.


Doors open at 12:15pm for pre-concert activities: clowns, instrument, petting zoo, face painting, arts and crafts.

Driving direction to Balboa Park Club:
Southbound from 1-5: Take the 10th Ave exit. Turn left on A St. and left again on Park Blvd. Follow the signs to Balboa Park.

Northbound I-5: Take the B St/Pershing exit to Pershing St. Turn left on Florida, turn left on Zoo Pl. and left on Park Blvd.

From 163: Take the Park Blvd. exit, left on Park Blvd. Follow the signs to Balboa Park.

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