Brunish Hall Theatre
1111 SW Broadway
Portland, Oregon  97205

Brunish Hall Theatre Description:

Public Transportation:

All Tri-Met buses destined for Portland City Center converge on the transit mall. Northbound buses travel 6th Avenue through the center of town, and Southbound buses travel on 5th Avenue. The Arlene The New Theatre Building is located on Broadway at Main St. Broadway runs one block west of 5th & 6th Avenues, and Main Street intersects all three streets. Ask your bus driver to let you out at the stop nearest Main Street on the transit mall. Walk west on Main until you see the "PORTLAND" marquee.

Driving direction to Brunish Hall Theatre:
From I-5 North or I-84 East
Follow I-5 to the City Center/Oregon City Exit. Follow the signs toward City Center. After crossing the Morrison Bridge, follow SW Washington 5 blocks to Broadway. Turn Left. Go 6 blocks to Main St. Schnitzer Concert Hall is the building on the right with the large "PORTLAND" marquee.

From I-5 South
Follow I-5 to I-405. Go west on I-405 to Salmon Street exit. After exiting, turn right on SW Salmon Street. Continue East 7 blocks to SW Park Ave. Schnitzer Concert Hall is the building on the right after the Park blocks.

From Highway 26 West (Sunset)
After going through the Vista Ridge Tunnel, get in the center lane. Take the Market St./City Center Exit.Continue on SW Market to 6th Avenue. Turn Left. Continue to Taylor Street. Turn Left. Turn left again at Broadway. Go 2 blocks to Main St. Schnitzer Concert Hall is the building on the right with the large "PORTLAND" marquee.

From Highway 26 East (Ross Island Bridge) or Highway 99 East (McLoughlin)
After coming off the Ross Island Bridge, follow signs to Highway 26/Front Avenue. Turn right onto Front at the stop signal. Continue for 6 blocks to SW Taylor St. Turn left. Follow Taylor 7 blocks to Broadway. Turn left on Broadway. Go 2 blocks to Main St. Brunish Hall is in the New Theatre building on the left, next door to Schnitzer Concert Hall.

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