Peace River, Alta, Town, pop 6315 (2006c), 6240 (2001c), inc 1919. Peace River is located at the junction of the PEACE and Smoky rivers. It takes its name from nearby Peace Point, where Cree and Beaver Indians settled a territorial dispute. The strategic location at the river junction was first used as a base by Alexander MACKENZIE on his western journey (1793). Later, buffalo hides were brought by trail from Ft Edmonton and transported upstream to New Caledonia.

The junction was an important ferry crossing, and the Edmonton, Dunvegan and BC Ry crossed the river in 1915. Missions were founded in 1879 and 1887, and Rev J. Gough Brick dramatically showed the area's agricultural potential by winning the world wheat championship at the Chicago Exposition (1893). By 1913 a permanent settlement was emerging on the present townsite, known up to 1916 as Peace River Crossing.

Today the town is the distribution and administration centre for the area. Local tourist attractions include Peace River Museum, the remnants of Mackenzie's Fort Fork (1792-93), the grave of H.F. "Twelve Foot" Davis and nearby Queen Elizabeth Prov Park.


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