Drayton Valley, Alta, Town, pop 5801 (2001c), 5883 (1996c), 5985 (1991c), 5290 (1986c), area 7.96 km2, located about 120 km SW of EDMONTON, inc as a village 1955, as a new town 1956, and as a town 1957. The first European settlers arrived about 1907 and practised marginal mixed farming, lumbering and trapping. In 1953 huge reserves of oil were discovered in the Pembina oil field, and Drayton Valley, because of its proximity, was chosen as the centre of the oil field's development. It continues to rely upon the oil and natural gas industry, although its economic base has diversified to include forestry, agriculture, environmental industries, trucking and construction.

The town is located on high land overlooking the North SASKATCHEWAN R. It was planned as a model town by the provincial government, but growth was so rapid that severe crowding resulted. The town's population grew from 75 to over 3000 in 1953 alone. In 1954 the Drayton Valley Townsite Act was passed to control land sales. Today the town has well-established neighbourhoods, parks, a walkway system and a sports complex.


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