China Delight
2390 Chamblee Tucker Rd
Buford Hwy.
Chamblee, Georgia  30341
Phone: 770-986-0898

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China Delight Description:
Opulently decorated, the vast main room of this veritable temple of dim sum fills on weekends with patrons flashing chopsticks at servers who wheel food-laden carts among the tables. Perfectly cooked dishes range from the most tender black bean clams to delicately-fried shrimp to dark green Chinese broccoli stir-fried in garlic. While devotees of such exotica (to American tastes anyway) as chicken feet may choose the more unusual items, guests not accustomed to such fare will find plenty to savor. A dinner menu is available but the dim sum experience at noon on Saturday or Sunday is the main reason for visiting. However, if you get a hankering for dim sum in midweek or at dinner, they're always available.

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