Hanna, Alta, Town, pop 2847 (2006c), 2986 (2001c), inc 1914. Hanna is situated 219 km northeast of Calgary and was named after D.B. HANNA, 3rd vice-president of the Canadian Northern Railway, and was first settled in 1912. As a Canadian Northern divisional point, it had a 10-stall roundhouse, built in 1913, and excellent connections to Saskatoon and Calgary. Wheat, subject to the booms of the 1910s and late 1920s and the busts of the mid-1920s and 1930s, and cattle have made Hanna the main service centre for the shortgrass country of Alberta. Today's resources include thermo-coal, clay, sand/gravel, petroleum, natural gas and bentonite. Hanna is the subject of the 1946 sociological study by Jean Burnet, Next-Year Country: A Study of Rural Social Organization in Alberta (1951).


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