680 2nd St
Townsend St.
San Francisco, California  94107
Phone: 415-896-1127

* Ratings *


Ironside Description:
With its convenient Chronicle Books building digs just blocks away from the ballpark, Ironside keeps hungry Giants fans fortified with hearty, beer-friendly fare throughout baseball season. Pizzas, burgers, steaks and fried nibbles suit the sport as well as the setting---red-brick walls, a shiny metal kitchen, and austere wooden tables. While everything one eats---from puffy, fresh-tasting pizzas to a hefty slab of Arctic char wrapped in its own crispy skin---is competently cooked, flavor profiles tend to be bold and one-dimensional. Take, for example, slices of ripe avocado encased in a wispy husk of tempura batter. With lime-spiked sweet chili salt and aïoli, it's an opulent concoction ideal for soaking up a few too many IPAs. Overly sweet accompaniments to hefty plates of meat and fish are less appealing, namely, the duck confit's pomegranate reduction and the char's beet-quinoa pilaf. Ironically, desserts are balanced---scarcely sweeter than some entrées in one shimmering instance: an heirloom apple tart looks like a wreath, a spiky, personal pan-size ring of chewy crust topped with a ball of crème fraîche ice cream, salted thyme and caramel sauce.

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