Ciao Bella Gelato CO
1 Ferry Building # 8
Mission St.
San Francisco, California  94111
Phone: 415-834-9330

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Ciao Bella Gelato CO Description:
This classic Italian gelateria opened in 1983 in Little Italy and soon expanded nationwide. The Ferry Building shop lures unsuspecting passers-by with the shiny stainless steel displays and brightly colored gelato, ice cream and sorbet. Little do these innocents know that they are about to receive a shock---a very sweet, refreshing and yummy shock. For those who prefer to remain mainstream, there are six kinds of vanilla offered, but for those who dare to be bold, flavors like honey, rose petal, port, rum raisin, red bean, lychee, and mango and raspberry with Zinfandel are just a few of the more interesting taste-ventures. You can also try a variety of frozen drinks, shakes and coffees.

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