Magnolia Pub & Brewery
1398 Haight St.
Masonic Ave.
San Francisco, California  94117
Phone: 415-864-7468

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Magnolia Pub & Brewery Description:
Dave McLean's colorful Haight neighborhood brewpub has undergone a remodel; gone is the psychedelic mural that was a nod to the neighborhood's hippie-inspired past. Now, dark-wood booths, a long communal table and black-and-white tiled floors add a touch of sophistication, while still maintaining a casual feel. Chef Brandon Jew has also spruced up the menu of gastropub fare. House-made sausages, such as a first-rate lamb curry version, pair perfectly with the pub's handcrafted, seasonal ales, also served at McLean's bluesier restaurant and full bar The Alembic down the street. Revamped appetizers include crispy, fried Monterey Bay squid with a rich squid-ink aïoli, and a substantial selection of house-made charcuterie. Classics, such as shepherd's pie and fish 'n' chips, get new spins with the likes of braised oxtail and pickled sea bean tartar sauce, respectively. Although it's still a great place to swing in for a good brew, Magnolia is so much more than the average pub.

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