2114 Fillmore St
California St.
San Francisco, California  94115
Phone: 415-447-2668

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Fresca Description:
Fillmore is home to the second generation Fresca, literally. Young chef Jose Calvo-Perez (whose parents own a Fresca in West Portal) dreamed up the idea of his own restaurant while in culinary school. It is meant to be a more upscale version of the original, serving more sophisticated, but still home-style, dishes from Peru. The most notable and intriguing items on the menu are the numerous (usually eight) ceviche dishes. These vibrant and fresh-tasting dishes range from halibut with ginger and amarillo aji (a Peruvian chili), to sea bass with lime and cilantro, to salmon with mint. Appetizers hold the most excitement. If there's a group, get the overflowing platter of fried calamari. Panko-coated crab cakes come with a colorful mango sauce and prawns top a fresh lima bean salad. At times, the inattentive service can create a traffic jam at the table. Simply order a few more Peruvian beers and enjoy the ride.

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