Frascati Restaurant
1901 Hyde St
Green St.
San Francisco, California  94109
Phone: 415-928-1406

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Frascati Restaurant Description:
Russian Hill's darling is a popular spot bursting with conviviality and neighborhood charm. Inside, the tightly fit tables seem more cozy than invasive in the downstairs main dining room. Upstairs, the private dining rooms also serve as intimate nooks. The menu is a mix-and-match of Californian and Mediterranean favorites. A warm black mission fig dish is a lovely starter when adorned with prosciutto, rich blue cheese and a tangy balsamic gastrique sauce. Pan-roasted mussels are enriched with Spanish chorizo and an earthy oregano broth. Classic rigatoni Bolognese with a crown of freshly grated Parmesan cheese will satisfy those looking for a hearty and comforting main course. Tender, butter-poached lobster tail is delivered atop a pillow of asparagus lemon risotto. And, the roasted pork tenderloin served alongside bacon mashed potatoes with a Dijon mustard sauce, may be Frascati's most addictive dish. Desserts like black and white chocolate bread pudding deservedly demand attention, but don't miss out on the very well done, if more subtle, crème brûlée.

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