Cafe Florio
1915 Fillmore St
Pine St.
San Francisco, California  94115
Phone: 415-775-4300

* Ratings *


Cafe Florio Description:
A haven for Pacific Heights locals, this cozy French bistro has lost some of the charm that initially brought it so much attention. The authentic-looking dining rooms, awash in an amber glow and filled with the wonderful scents from the kitchen, have tables packed so tightly it is, at times, a noticeable chore for the well-intentioned staff to move around. Dishes that used to shine can be hampered by carelessness in the kitchen like undercooked meats, ragged presentations or soggy salads. Still, some dishes live up to their reputation. Stick to the simple dishes like a classic roast chicken with crisp skin, moist meat and a wonderful pile of traditional frites. The mussels arrive in a steaming bowl fragrant with Pernod, tarragon and leeks. A full-flavored seafood stew is a hearty choice on those cold San Francisco evenings. For dessert, don't miss the tangy lemon tart or the rich and comforting brioche pudding.

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