Atlas Cafe
3049 20th St
20th St.
San Francisco, California  94110
Phone: 415-648-1047

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Atlas Cafe Description:
Down in the low-valley of the eastern Mission, live-work artists, lucky telecommuters, and local young moms with high hipster credentials and babies in tow fill up this light and airy room and its adjacent sun-flooded patio. The sofa is conveniently located next to the borrow-and-return well-stocked magazine rack. Coffee drinks, beer and wine, homemade soups, generous salads, steamed eggs and a variety of sandwiches and pizzas are the fare. Vegetarian choices are well represented on the sandwich board: you'll find roasted yams with feta, cilantro, onion and garlic olive oil on a baguette. Live bluegrass is played on Thursday nights and Americana-roots music on Saturday afternoons. If you must break out the laptop, Atlas permits a few hours of free internet, though electric outlets are scarce.

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