Over The Counter Cafe
2343 E 3300 S
2300 East
Salt Lake City, Utah  84109
Phone: 801-487-8725

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Over The Counter Cafe Description:
The food comes fresh, fast and furious once you seat yourself in this classic diner. A waitress follows behind you to slap down water, menus and coffee. Two minutes later, she's taking your order from the plastic-laminated list of inexpensive breakfast and lunch fare. Or take a seat at the counter for even faster service and watch the cooks slicing, dicing and flipping tasty home fries, thick bacon and fluffy flapjacks on the center griddle. Just a few bucks buys a Western omelet and potatoes that fill a plate, four slices of bacon and toast---and it's all served until 2 p.m. As a Vietnamese couple runs OTC, you'll also find a few authentic noodle soups and pork dishes on the lunch menu. This is foremost a breakfast joint. No checks or credit cards are accepted, so bring cash.

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