Blue Plate Diner
2041 S 2100 E
2100 S.
Salt Lake City, Utah  84108
Phone: 801-463-1151

* Ratings *


Blue Plate Diner Description:
Step into ol' Salt Lake City with this kitschy, loud, trendy breakfast joint in Sugarhouse. Come with little expectations and loads of time (the service is slow) and discover a pleasant experience amid hip twentysomethings and vinyl, chrome and post-modern décor. Aside from the vegan-friendly dishes, this is your traditional coffee shop complete with sizable omelets, eggs Benedict, burgers, apple pie and lattes---all at affordable prices. Avoid the doughy pancakes. Breakfast potato connoisseurs will likely be disappointed that those here are deep-fried, not done in a skillet or on the griddle. But, overall, this is a good place to stop for coffee and carbs after a long, hard night on the town. The dinner offerings, though relatively inexpensive, are just average.

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