Science Museum of Virginia
2500 W Broad St.
Richmond, Virginia  23059

Science Museum of Virginia Description:


Free parking is located on the premisis with accessible parking in marked spaces.

Public Transportation:

On the Busline.

General Rules:

No smoking is allowed in the venue.

No illegal substances or weapons permitted.

No pets allowed except for seeing eye dogs to aid a sight impaired patron.


A portion of the ticket sales will bne donated to the Science Museum of Virginia Foundation Annual Fund

Driving direction to Science Museum of Virginia:
I-95 N to West Broad St. Exit, I-95 S to west Borad St., proceed on W Broad St. to 2500 block.

I-264 E or W to I-95 S to W Borad St. exit proceed on W. Broad St. to 2500 block.

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