Minnesota Vikings Training Camp Mankato
MSU Campus
Mankato, Minnesota  56002
Location & Nearby Info

Minnesota Vikings Training Camp Mankato Description:


Parking is available in lots 20-23 at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Parking charges are:
$3.00 per day
$5.00 for a 2-day pass
$20.00/pass for the entire camp
Passes can be purchased at the lots.

General Rules:

Guns and weapons of any kind are prohibited.
No bottles, cans, or containers.
No pets.


Stadium-style concessions will be available.

For information on restaurants and hotels please contact the Mankato Chamber of Commerce at 1-800-657-4733.

Driving direction to Minnesota Vikings Training Camp Mankato:
Located at Blakeslee Stadium on the Minnesota State-Mankato Campus.

Follow Highway 169 south to Mankato and follow the signs to the university.

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