Swisher Theater On Jacksonville University Campus
2800 N University Blvd
Jacksonville, Florida  32207

Swisher Theater On Jacksonville University Campus Description:


Parking is located on site and there is no charge.

General Rules:


* ITEMS ALLOWED IN FACILITY : umbrellas, cell phones, beepers

* SMOKING POLICY: Smoking IS NOT permitted

Driving direction to Swisher Theater On Jacksonville University Campus:
From Atlanta - Take 75 South to Jacksonville. Go
east on I-10. Then north on I-95 to Union Street (going east). Union Street turns into Matthews Bridge. As soon as you get to the bottom of bridge get in right lane and take University Blvd North. Go 2 miles and Jacksonville University will be located on the left hand side.

From Tampa, Orlando - Take I-95 North to Downtown
Jacksonville. Go over Main Street bridge. Stay on Main Street for 6 blocks. Turn right on Union Street. Union Street turns into Matthews Bridge. As soon as you get to the bottom of bridge get in right lane and take University Blvd North. Go two miles and Jacksonville University is located on the left.

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