Mo Mong Restaurant
1201 Westheimer Rd
Waugh Dr.
Houston, Texas  77006
Phone: 713-524-5664

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Mo Mong Restaurant Description:
Rarely does Vietnamese cuisine or restaurant design receive such sophisticated treatment. Mo Mong has a keen eye fixed on aesthetics, evident in both the ambience and the complex and delightful flavorings. Intricately garnished spring rolls are superior, distinguished by fresh, crisp ingredients, moist wrappers and a savory peanut sauce. Chicken curry soup is a standout meal in a bowl, with chicken and potato wedges swimming in a tingly ginger broth that begs to be sopped up with the sturdy, accompanying French bread. Another standout dish is the ca kho to, seasoned catfish baked in a clay pot. Ditto for the spicy Vietnamese fajitas. Compared to such splendors, desserts generally make a merely mundane impression. This is also a popular spot for its huge saké selection and midweek drink specials at the downstairs bar, which overlooks a pretty bamboo garden.

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