Devil's Food Bakery
1024 S. Gaylord St.
E. Tennessee Ave.
Denver, Colorado  80209
Phone: 303-733-7448

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Devil's Food Bakery Description:
Part loft living room, part art gallery (with bright red walls and a shiny black floor), this shabby-chic gathering place and dessert parlor serves good, honest food in a thrift store setting. Old sash windows form dividers between the tables, dozens of teapots stand at the ready to serve the more than 30 black, green and herbal teas on the menu, and the desserts? Well, you have to walk past a huge case of them just to get into the restaurant. Lemon tarts, dense brownie wedges, flourless chocolate cakes and, the house specialty, a little hedgehog (devil's food cake with a cream center and dark chocolate frosting). We sometimes come here just for the sugar highs, but we're also tempted by the light breakfast quiche, savory omelets, and eggs Benedict crowned with a lemon-kissed scratch-made hollandaise. Lunch also beckons with ham and Gruyère on homemade bread, avocado chopped salad and thin-crusted pizzas.

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