Bangkok Blue
2300 Foothill Blvd
White Ave.
La Verne, California  91750
Phone: 909-392-3235

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Bangkok Blue Description:
Hidden in a neighborhood shopping center---the kind of recent vintage development that lines Foothill Boulevard where the San Gabriel Valley morphs into the Inland Empire---is Bangkok Blue. Blue Johnson is a veteran musician (his "Hall of Fame" is an impressive collection of Grammy winners' photos) and his Thai wife, Joyce, is an experienced restaurateur. The result is a smart-looking storefront decorated with fountains, exotic statues and Thai musical instruments. The menu is filled with predictable favorites, along with intriguing exceptions like curry beef turnovers. Among other starters are crispy chicken wings glazed in a spicy honey sauce and soups served in generous vessels. The curries are first-rate, but be sure to specify if you like them hot---otherwise, they tend to be seasoned on the mild side. Other entrées include steamed halibut and marinated sizzling steak. The accommodating Johnsons have created a Thai dining experience a cut above the ubiquitous suburban standard.

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