South City Seafood Ihaw Ihaw
1129 El Camino Real
Arroyo Ave.
South San Francisco, California  94080
Phone: 650-588-6078

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South City Seafood Ihaw Ihaw Description:
At Ihaw Ihaw, as it is nicknamed by Filipinos (it means grilled meat), you can explore the many flavors of Filipino food. Try a piquant soup called pork sinigang filled with buttery pork chunks and vegetables like eggplant in a zesty tamarind broth. Pancit bihon, a combination of skinny rice stick noodles and tiny shrimp, is a must. The ihaw ihaw we tried was the smoky grilled thin-sliced pork that you dip into a mixture of soy sauce and vinegar. In the chicken adobo, the meat is falling off the bone and prepared with a touch of vinegar. The interior of Ihaw Ihaw looks a little worn around the edges, but it is packed day and night.

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