Udupi Palace
1901 University Ave
Martin Luther King Wy.
Berkeley, California  94704
Phone: 510-843-6600

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Udupi Palace Description:
The Udupi Palace on University Avenue in Berkeley, part of a mini-chain of restaurants scattered around the Bay Area, specializes in inexpensive, straightforward South Indian food. Don't expect a life-changing meal here, just an all-vegetarian menu featuring dosas filled with vegetables, spicy chickpea curry paired with puffy, deep-fried batura bread and a very good rendition of saag paneer. If you can't choose, the thali platter offers an assortment of tastes. For dessert, the syrup-soaked gulab jamun is a good choice. Service can be a bit bristly and the restaurant is lacking in atmosphere, though big picture windows facing the street let you watch the crowds go by. Know before you go: the restaurant is cash-only.

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